Mar 24, 2014

Kip McKean's Salary: $200,000+ (And Growing)

This is one of the best-kept secrets in Kip's Kingdom - Kip McKean's salary.

The church does everything it can to conceal this information, and with good reason. Many, if not most, members might be quite a bit more reluctant to sacrifice their own money if they knew just how much of it goes to lifestyle expenses for the McKeans.

Let's look at the year 2010, as I have the information on hand from the financial presentation that was given at the end of November, 2010. (As of this writing, the audio is still available on the official church websites if you search for it.)

At the end of November, (according to the audio) the church had taken in $780,000 for the year. And weekly contribution was $15,000, which multiplies out to a similar annual figure.
"Ryan," who is speaking, mentions that 2/3 of the money was going to pay for "people," which refers to ministry salary, ministry housing, ministry benefits, and ministry reimbursements.

Ryan the elaborates by stating that the church is paying for 5 ministry couples, and 5 interns. Kip comments elsewhere that these interns earn $700/month.

So 2/3 of $15,000 is $10,000 / week for ministry compensation, which comes to $520,000 per year. $161.50 of the $10,000 goes to each of the 5 interns per week, which adds up to $42,000 per year.

Subtracting the $42,000 from the $520,000 leaves us $478,000 to divide up between the five ministry couples on payroll at that time. If that were divided evenly into five, that would be $95,600 annual compensation per couple ($7,966/month). Not a bad paycheck!

However, Kip, who decides pay scale, does not pay all ministers the same. Kip pays leaders with more experience and responsibility more money, usually a lot more money. This is already evident in the split between the $700/month paid to the interns and the $7,966/month average compensation paid to the other ministry couples - a difference of over 10 times!

So if we are conservative, and we say that Kip pays himself and Elena, as the very top leaders in charge of the entire ICC, only 3x what the other City of Angels ministry couples earn, that would work out to about $220,000 per year. This would still leave over $75,000 for salary and benefits for each of the other four ministry couples. ($75k x 4 + $220k = $520k). And even $75,000 is enough money to live very, very comfortably in Los Angeles.

So there you have it. The best, good-faith estimate of what Kip McKean's salary looked like at the end of 2010, based on the limited, publicly available information: $220,000+ in 2010, and growing.

And please remember, every penny of that compensation came from the sacrifices of ICC members such as myself, who were told, and believed, that they are giving their money to God and to further "the movement."

Kip's total income from the church has most certainly grown since 2010, due to growth in ICC membership and income, as well as a huge (half-million dollar) new revenue stream from the International College of Christian Ministry (ICCM), which will be discussed in more detail in a later post. It should also be assumed that Kip also receives payments from MERCY worldwide in addition to these other sources of income.

As a point of comparison, when I was living in LA in 2010 I earned an annual salary of $39,000. Money was very tight, (mainly because I had been coerced into giving a full 25% of my income to the church.) So I had to be very careful. For example, we only had about $15/month in our budget for eating out. So one trip per month to In-N-Out with the family. And in the same month, I would donate over $500 to the church in weekly contribution, plus "Special Contribution," "contribution for the poor," and other church expenses like mandatory conferences.

However, in spite of the limitations, I was still able to use what was left of my money to pay my taxes, fully support my family of 4, and pay down school loans by thousands of dollars. And yes, even pay for an apartment that was good enough to hold Bible Talks and other church events in.

So I find it absurd that City of Angels ministry staff, and Kip McKean in particular, are compensated at such unbiblical levels. Did Jesus pull a big salary? No. The apostles? No.

It's especially maddening since every dollar for Kip's compensation comes out of the contributions and sacrifice of families who, on the whole, earn much, much less than he does. It's the reverse Robin Hood - take from the poor to give to the rich.

My opinion is that if the average member of Kip's church knew how much of every dollar they donate ended up paying for Kip McKean's lifestyle expenses, they would be quite a bit less eager to keep giving. Especially when that involves personal sacrifice, which it almost always does.

Does it make sense for you to skip eating at In-N-Out so you can give $15 more towards the salary of someone who earns 5x what you do, and who will spend the money eating at much fancier restaurants?

Literally, members of the City of Angels ICC, and the International Christian Churches, make deep financial sacrifices so that the leaders of the churches can earn very non-sacrificial salaries.

Well, I for one, will never give another dollar to Kip, or to anything even remotely related to Kip or his self-enrichment scheme.

"[T]hey are conceited and understand nothing ... people of corrupt mind ... who think that godliness is a means to financial gain" - 1 Timothy 6:4-5, NIV

See also: My Visit to Kip McKean's $650,000 Condo

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Kip currently earns a whole lot more than even this post describes - probably more than double the listed figure in 2013. More details to come, and thanks for posting. BTW I believe that Kip is incredibly corrupt, however, a lot of the leadership is (I'm hoping) not fully aware of what they are doing and promoting and how unhealthy, damaging, and downright evil (my opinion) it really is.

    2. I met with a high profile financial leader way back in the day (2001) and was shown the salary model works and how Kip made $200,000+ and had a R&D fund to spend on "kingdom projects." But let me tell you all...that is nothing compared to the real problems of that "church." Sexual misconduct, child molestation cover ups, financial donation law breaking and much more. The best thing you can do is walk away and take away good things you may have learned in the process. Like how to recognize bullshit when you see it. For what it's worth

    3. To Anonymous September 3, 2014 at 8:38 AM: Thanks for commenting! And please contact me through the "Contact Me" box on the right so you can tell me more about what you learned!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. In the old days of the ICOC, Kip had wealthy "friends" in the church that he convinced to help pay for things like his children's college educations. One of those individuals who I met vowed to never give Kip anything else. Not sure about current benefactors, although his on-the-books compensation is many times what is necessary to live a very, very comfortable life.

    2. The sad thing about all of this is while the McKeans and other paid ministry couples are living high off the hog, it's their interns that are doing all of the work (endless hours spent recruiting, baby sitting staff members' kids, cleaning their homes, washing their cars, chauffeuring people around, etc.). I remember Teresa Broom telling a young evangelist that her role as a Women's Ministry Leader is to support her husband and raise her kids. This is why she has "right hand women to delegate things to." Translation: "I collect the paycheck while other people do all the work."

    3. It's not just interns who are doing all the work but bible talk and ministry leaders who work full time jobs on top of the hours they are pressured to "slave away" for the church. Side note-really appreciate this blog. Looking forward to reading more especially your thoughts on the ICCM.

    4. It's a great business model really. Get people to volunteer thousands of hours of their own time to you and then also strongarm them into giving you 10%+ of their pre-tax income for the privilege. Multiply at will

    5. Thanks for reading and thanks for the props! More is coming, including more on the ICCM. It's a scam! But a scam that helps line Kip's pocket - and not a little.

    6. Elena's been delegating for years. Teresa is just imitating her discipler!

    7. While I did not have much opportunity to observe the women's ministry myself, I did notice that, contrary to Latin custom, when we had staff meetings at their house, Elena seemed very averse to providing any kind of hospitality - only rarely, and even then, only store-bought, pre-prepared snacks like chips. Struck me as odd

    8. hes sais smething finny about your wallet gets baptized after you join

  3. Your Just Jealous! Kip is SO Humble and Doesnt even make any Money from the Church! He has Rich Relatives who support Him!

    1. I Love Kip McKean, this is kips movement not Gods.

    2. It's Jesus died on the cross, not Kip McKean. Kip is an unrepented sinner. When will he learn? What a hypocrisy it is!!!!!

    3. Kip Mcean is a false teacher and his church is nothing but a cult. I lost a lot of money to this church. And never received any papers as to my donations for tax purposes. I think my 10 grand would have been a nice write off. And they also still owe me money. I started a sisters household. When I figured it all out. I kicked them out. And it got real ugly. I was threatened physically lied to and stole from. Had to call the cops. Yeah that sound like a legit church to me.

    4. Is Kip's policies Biblically based ? I seem to find all "rules" he uses to run his "cult" in the Bible. So in actuality, it is not a cult. He is just a very very good leader. And many "sore losers" are now jealous of him. If his salary still leaves enough for the rest of the churches to survive ... then I think that's okay.

  4. "Awesome" site ;-) I'm putting up a few video's about this cult

    1. Thanks for making the videos and sharing the link here! I will help promote your work soon.

  5. On the topic of wealthy's often been mentioned from the ICC pulpit that the Untalans, Kirchners, and Bordieris are some of the most sacrificial tithers in the church (translation: BIG GIVERS!!!). Coincidentally, these three couples make up the McKean's tight inner circle. Some may find it suspect that Michael Kirchner (ICC's head Finance Administrator and the guy that writes Kip's fat paycheck) is not only the new Chairman of the Board for the ICCM (the church's fake school that charges students THOUSANDS of dollars for its bogus courses) but he's also one of Kip's best friends. convenient.

    1. These poor guys don't even realize they are being used. I'm guessing you already read my post about the ICCM, or you got the information elsewhere? Thanks for posting.

  6. Cults worship your Tithe, it's simple. Luke 16v14. Matthew 6v24. Kip worships your money, if he thinks you'll give him money he will pretend to be your best friend, all cult leaders are the same, they love money and hate God.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Your So Wrong! How many Times do we have to Go OVer this? KIP IS NOT A CULT LEADER because the ICC IS NOT A CULT! People just SAY that but it just Proves that its God's One True CHurch because only Gods Church gets Persecuted! >:) >:D

    3. Dear KipMcKean Fan: I sure hope that you're joking, but in case you're not, here's the truth. You're right! Kip is not a cult leader and the ICC is not a's far worse than that. Persecution is defined as being harassed for your believe or faith, but your organization gets called out on abusiveness, greed, breaking the law, lying on financial records, getting into countries illegally, covering up for child molesters...shall I go on?! Shame on you...shame on you. You should leave...and quickly. Trust'll be glad you did. :)

    4. Yeah, that Kip McKean Fanclub guy is something else .. Not quite sure how to answer his posts at times ..

  7. I believe this. But like some previous comments I think you need to get document pictures or recordings or something to make your arguements more valid. Maybe we should send an undercover.

  8. I have the records from 2011. Kip McKean's weekly tithe at this time was $370 a week. Kip McKean also claimed that he was giving 15% of his income. So this corresponds to Kip making $2467 a week, $9867 a month, and $118,400 a year. Of course this does not include all the four-five star hotels he stays in and fancy restaurants he eats at while traveling around the world since he bills these expenses directly to the church account.

    1. Of course Kip McKean's 15% claim was not announced until later in that year, so this may actually be a 10% tithe which corresponds to $3700 a week, $14,800 a month, and $177,600 a year. This stat sheet was posted on August 15, 2011.

    2. And the award for the largest weekly tithe goes to Tony Untalan with a whopping tithe of $520 a week in 2011, seriously, how much money does that guy make?!

  9. Hello I believe the problem is that were in the fifth seal. The book of revelation states that there are seven seals that shall pass before the coming of jusus. Which seal are we in? Look in to it!!! It makes sense with the lies that the icoc teaches.
    Another issue is infant baptism. I recently bought some books written in the first and second century by the Christians. The teaching was to baptize infants. There were no arguments about baptizing infants in the first church. They did baptize adults but as we know these were new converts. So if the first church did it why did it change???

  10. If Kip was all about money he could just start one big mega church and keep all the money to himself instead of paying interns and ministers and planting churches all over the world. He could be like the preachers of LA and have millions.God curses the finances of the person that does not pay their tithes. So giving is a blessing and God rewards it. Teaching church members to pay their tithes does not make a church a cult. As a member of the church I have never been forced or hounded about my tithe. I actually wish that tithing was preached on more because I notice that the more I give the more God blesses my finances.

  11. The bibles says if you take care of Gods house he will take care of yours. So people who have chosen not forced but chosen to support the church with their time will be rewarded. God will bless them. And those who chose to be their own Gods by putting their priorities before Gods church will be rewarded as well. I've been there as a Christian putting my agenda before Gods and he has humbled me every time.

  12. The bibles says if you take care of Gods house he will take care of yours. So people who have chosen not forced but chosen to support the church with their time will be rewarded. God will bless them. And those who chose to be their own Gods by putting their priorities before Gods church will be rewarded as well. I've been there as a Christian putting my agenda before Gods and he has humbled me every time.

    1. God has no house he has a kingdom and the kindom is the people

    2. Were does the bible say this?

    3. 20 And when he was demanded of the Pharisees, when the kingdom of God should come, he answered them and said, The kingdom of God cometh not with observation:
      21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.
      -Luke 17:20-21

  13. If Kip was all about money he would just start one big mega church like so money other pasted do. Instead of planting churches all over the work and paying interns and minister's he could keep all the money to himself like those pasters from Pasters of LA the TV show. I was a part of the ICOC and ow am apart of the ICC. I've never been forced to do anything I didn't want to do. And this is the only church that I have been to where the Christians love like God call us to love each other. The church doesn't need my money. I notice however that the more I give the more God blesses my finances. When I don't give God curses my finances and that is biblical. So any church that teaches it members to pay there tithes is teaching the right thing.

    1. If the church doesnt need money then why are you giving?jesus never got paid to spread the gospel. None of the apostled did and john kept his job as a tentmaker. The day money has no value and the economy goes down i don't want your precious church asking for food instead of money. Thats how the tithing worked. People had money in the bible. If he isn't all about money then ask him to sell his condo and give every cent to the poor. Ask him to spread the gospel for free. He planted churches where there are already churches. Tithing died at the cross with every other law that we don't practice . Lile the law of killing a animal for your sins. Or the law of washing hands. Your delusional and i bet you won't do anything i suggested because your afraid of the truth.

    2. There's no data to support these statements. What an odd set of statements postulated as academically sound.

  14. I had joined ICOC when I was a teenager and held on to that belief for many years. GOD has been blessing me. However, I have come to realize that ignorance is not bliss. GOD calls us to give to HIM, to HIS work. If you don't diligently find out if the money is really going to God's house and His work or not, I don't think it is right either.

  15. I had joined ICOC when I was a teenager and held on to that belief for many years. GOD has been blessing me. However, I have come to realize that ignorance is not bliss. GOD calls us to give to HIM, to HIS work. If you don't diligently find out if the money is really going to God's house and His work or not, I don't think it is right either.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Tim Kernan recently posted on his FB that they were short of their special missions contribution goal and included a link to the church's donation page ( I find it disturbing that their donation site accepts credit card payments, as this is going to encourage already-struggling members to be even more financially irresponsible by going into high-interest-rate debt to support "missions". (At least the old movement was decent enough to discourage giving via credit card).

    1. Disciples should NOT give via credit card if it is not a debit/credit card coming from an account where you already OWN the funds such as PayPal. To give strictly via credit card is essentially borrowing money for an offering which is not an ideal practice vs. giving what you have, then getting fiscal advice so this situation doesn't repeat. This is the position of central administration. -A random lurking admin.

  18. Kip is a certified skunk.

  19. Keep exposing that evil man!! Much damage has been to good people in the name of God. That's so sad!

  20. This blog is hilarious. I know what Kip's salary is. It isn't this. Not even close.

    This was some great guesswork and theory (genuine compliment)
    but you really have no idea what you are talking about. If you really want to know what Kip's finances look like, call him. His church address and phone # is public and he would gladly review his financial worksheet with you. He answered all my questions so I know he'll do the same for you if you heart is open to truth and you are respectful about your concerns. Good day.

    1. You know that numbers can be faked and how do you think he is paying property taxes for his million dollar condo? He is CEO of ICCM University and is the only one to recieve a doctor degree. Your blind or you have been brain washed to believe anything they say to you

    2. ^^^^ @ Anonymous May 10, 2018 at 9:54 PM

      --"Numbers can be faked"

      True, but not if you are already on the inside with access to everything. I can assure you, I wouldn't be typing this if what I was saying wasn't a certainty.

      --"how do you think he is paying property taxes for his million dollar condo"

      What on Earth are you going on about? You fail to realize the obvious: that condo, which is nothing more than a glorified apartment was purchased with church funds/salary for comparative pocket change right? It's 7-fold increased in value, but that's no reason to get on someone for living inappropriately. We all know the home will be sold and go toward the church one day anyways. I'm not confident you understand how investments work. Besides, the taxes are ~1% annually. That's not bad at all. My house is much worse.

      ---" He is CEO of ICCM University and is the only one to recieve a doctor degree."

      Yet again, demonstrating you lack understanding. No one really refers to Kip as CEO but I guess you sort of could. It's just odd. Also, he's not the only one to have received the PhD thus far. Several have met the requirements; which might I add are tough. ICCM is much harder than secular schooling.

      ---"Your blind or you have been brain washed to believe anything they say to you"

      Actually, the opposite occurred. I am thoroughly researched and have observed in person for years that not one thing on this dead blog is factual. I read this blog well before I joined the church.

      Final note, I encourage you to do your own research. Stop believing what your itching ears want you to hear, and figure out what is going on. Stop relying on your feelings and sentiment. If you tell me, "I already did that" , I am calling you a liar in advance. There is no gray area. Either I am right, or you are. Being such that I have bene on BOTH sides of the fence, I can say that the place over there ( where you are ) is laced in fallacy.

      If you love God, you will do the things Jesus did. That includes getting off a slander blog committing sins that are leading you to hell ( Gal 5:19-21 ).

      I deeply urge you to repent.

      There is nothing here that benefits you spiritually.

  21. I am not saying that these things aren't real but please give supportive evidence. Like the account book of ICC, etc. Please be objective.

  22. Although Mercy Worldwide has a lot of problem. like most of the money aren't going to the projects. However, if you look into the mercy worldwide tax exemption form, Kip Doesn't received a penny.

    1. While true, this doesn't need to be public knowledge. If they truly wanted accounting info, they'd schedule a coffee appointment with myself or even Kip. He'll entertain the idea of opening the books to someone who is humbly curious.

    2. "Entertaining the idea" - That is not the same as being forthright. His salary, benefits, paid expenses, etc should be documented, certified by a CPA and be made public. The ICC is a non-profit organization under IRS laws. Non-profits should be transparent with the books. After 17 yrs, we finally received some information on salaries and parishes. And back then, before the ICOC split, special contributions were 10x, 12x, not 25x twice a year. Many of the US and international churches got into hot water with legal authorities when they were not sending the money of contributions where they said it was going. After the Kriete letter, the puss started draining! Open your eyes and think! Don't wait to schedule tea to entertain the idea! The body has a right to know where their hard earned money is going.

    3. @Phoenix

      That's not what I meant and you know it. Be humble, and he'll show you. His salary is public to anyone who wants to know with the right heart; it's just not published. Since everything is weaponized now days, I don't blame him. Also, things are radically different than the ICoC days. Fiscally, things have tightened up to avoid past sins. Perfection? Probably not, but striving to remain above reproach, yes. To level with you, this blog is dead. The argument is moot. The ministry is growing 3x faster than most denominational churches and righteous fruit is readily apparent. If you choose to disagree, so be it, but your heart is better suited elsewhere at this point. As fellow "anonymous's" have echoed, "Leave these men alone" , "you'll only find yourself fighting God."

  23. I just left caicc and its just a bunch of favoritism through out the church and they just do it for numbers they just want baptize people to get more money it's so sad and on top of that you have to kiss up to the leaders to get respect

    1. Sounds like your sin blinded you from using Matthew 18. Icc or not, you are in sin stranger. You need to repent or no matter your future fellowship, you won't be right with God. Please avoid communion until that day of reconciliation.

  24. Kip and Steve Johnson along with their clan can all burn in hell...

  25. ^ Hilariously written by someone who has never read the Bible with comprehension.

  26. My name is Martin and I was a member of the ICOC in Zurich from 1995 to 2004. During this time I spent a few months in Boston at Simmons College. During this time I also met Randy McKean and later asked Jason G., who I lived with in Boston and who worked full-time for the church, why Randy McKean didn't lead the student group that I was also a part of, as I knew that it was very important to the leaders in the ICOC to train the students and educate them well as future leaders in the church.
    Jason G. told me that the monthly salary that Randy McKean demanded was much too high and that the student group was not in a position to pay the high wages he demanded.

  27. As a student in Wolves poly, England in 89/90 I joined Birmingham coc and met 'Kip' McKean at a 'conference' in the Albert Hall in London in 90 - my 'discipler' at the time, Larry, took me up to meet the skinny twerp after he had just delivered a most un-memorable speech! And he had weird, dark eyes as if he was high or possessed? And gave me a weird 'bear hug' and said, 'have a good one!' Whatever that means? He's an abusive 'Pontifex Maximus' and I wouldn't be surprised if he was one of the sexual partners of Lucas: the original founder was a man called ‘Chuck Lucas’ and he was eventually ousted because of sexual improprieties: “I was serving on the ministry staff that assisted in covering up the real reason for his termination – sexual perversion and homosexual activity with younger men in his ministry.” (reveal[dot]org) He took over from Lucas and he was known for parroting his mannerisms and behaviours. From websites like this made by former members like me, it's obvious McKean is a CHARLATAN and PARASITE living 'high on the hog' on the backs of the gullible people he fleeces - I wasn't daft enough to stick around as long as many others and although I was a teenage student when I first got recruited, I had already lived and worked in France, and learned to speak another language and I had an independent spirit that served me well - that's not to say that I didn't suffer from the mind-control, I did and I felt devastated when I left as I had, pretty much like every other disciple with a good and trusting heart, made close friendships and 'confessed my sins' to my various disciplers. We lived together and shared our lives together and very soon I didn't have another life! My University class mates and lecturers were wary of me as I was unabashed in my evangelism and I brought a lot of people to bible study and church meetings. I put my heart into it - and when I started to feel how other leaders weren't doing the same, the doubts crept in. It was when Bill and I were going along to a Wednesday evening service and we met a homeless guy called Howard and brought him along with us and found him a seat near to the front. Then we went to the back to chat with some sisters and then this new 'hot shot', Walter Evans had come over from the States, and he started preaching on about how we weren't evangelising enough; we weren't giving enough cash; we weren't committed enough... blah-blah. How did he know? He had never met us! Then the cheek of it - he launched into an example of his own 'evangelism' made on a 'skiing trip to Scotland' with his wife and family! And Bill and I must have looked at each other thinking the same thoughts - is this man taking the piss? When did we last go on a skiing trip to Scotland. So after this tirade, we went to get Howard a sandwich and cuppa and we took him to see 'hot-shot' Walter, who didn't have much time for homeless Howard! When I had sex with one of the sisters, and then 'fell-away', they threw the bible at me saying how there was no way back for a sinner like me! By that time I had dropped out of my Uni studies and I was unemployed and not a good prospect for the c of c. And I remember the hypocrisy of it as there was a Jewish lad, who had been left a chunk of money and had bought a car for one of the leaders, Archie, and he 'eloped' with the 'children of god' where you could have sex with the sisters as a way to salvation and the leadership bent over backwards to get Matthew back into the fold and 'all was forgiven!' And there was a homosexual scandal involving one of the leaders while I was there and yes, the focus was always about getting as much money out of people as possible - which is why I got into debt. "When a church becomes a cult" was written by Stephen Wookey, a c of e pastor and this helped me to better understand what I had lived through - as when I first left the c of c, I was convinced god would strike me down and I was afraid to leave my home for three weeks!

  28. Mind control is very powerful and we've seen this on a global scale with the HIV-AIDS fraud and now with the covid scam. Dr Matthias Rath wrote a very good article about the long-standing fraud of the false christianity of the roman catholic church: Why the story about Angela Merkel’s phone being spied on by the NSA was fabricated: Published by the Dr. Rath Health Foundation; December 18, 2014. “By October 2013, the story about the Maharaja-like lifestyle of the “bishop of bling” and the German taxpayers as the oblivious financiers of his abuse had spilled over to the United States and other countries. Worse still, the scandal had put the 5 billion euro per year German system of state-organized financing for the global operations of the Catholic and Protestant churches under the international spotlight – to the point that they were about to implode. The promoters of AIDS drugs distribution in Africa who had hailed the enthronement of the former Nazi Pope, Joseph Ratzinger, were about to drown in their own miasmic swamp.” This gives the laymen like me the opportunity to look behind the curtain of this 'Wizard of Oz', & follow the yellow brick road - paved with gold! Money and power corrupts. As nasty and unethical and un-christian as he is, Kip McKean is earning chump-change compared to the big boys and how long does this history of mind-control date back to - watch the youtube film, 'psychedelic messiah' by Adam Miller and he gives a good account of early mk ultra type programming in the early 'christian' church using 'drugs.' More recently Jon Rappoport published an excellent article talking about 'The Spirit of Mengele' in modern 'medicine' and the survivors of Satanic Ritual abuse, like Anneke Lucas, testify to the fact that torturers like Mengele were not prosecuted after 'ww2' but were allowed to keep on with their evil practices; escaping through the Jesuit/Vatican rat-lines. She is just one of the dozens of survivors' testimonies featured in the documentary film, "The Blood Cult II – 111 Victims, 50 Witnesses, 50 Perpetrators (by Lois Sasek)" on the Hot_Topic channel on Rumble. She is part of a TRUE Christian group, along with her father, (based in Switzerland), who are truly fighting the War against Evil. If you are brave enough to watch this film and absorb the grim truths it represents, then perhaps you do have the heart of a compassionate Christian warrior?! And who else can we look to for examples of true Christian leadership - well how about Kevin Annett: "“DOING WHAT COMES NATURALLY TO FRANKENSTEIN, By Kevin Annett, November 17, 2019. “The colonized man is a patchwork fabrication of a foreign power. The more he takes on the mantle of his conquerors, the more he learns to hate himself and project that loathing on to his own people. – Frantz Fanon” / “Eddie John’s knocked off lots of people to get their trap lines and mineral rights,” said Helen Michel, a Carrier woman and one of the witnesses, during a closed recorded session of our 1998 Tribunal. He’s got his own private goon squad that gets rid of people. He had my cousin killed to get his land. Eddie signed away all our water to Alcan and anyone on the tribal council who objected got a one way trip to the lake. Eddie’s the big power up north and he keeps everybody in line by grabbing their kids. He runs all of the drugs and the child trafficking around Prince George with some of the Mounties and local judges. The feds look the other way ‘cause he plays their game. That’s his payoff.” If you asked me, I would surmise that McKean et al are just like all the other 'colonized' men and women, living off their 'pieces of eight!' When have the likes of McKean and his cohorts ever suffered the TRUE persecutions of the likes of Annett or Rath or Lucas and the poor innocents, who suffer under the yoke of this evil system? NEVER - Parasites with condos and exec salaries who put their kids through the finest schools are living in la-la land and they serve evil. How they can continue to Bamboozle so many people is incredible.

  29. The true battle lies in exposing dangerous fraudsters like McKean, and so I thank you for this site. I thank Bart Sibrel for his 'Moon Man' song - for exposing that huge fraud. I thank Galen Winsor for exposing the 'Nuclear Scare Scam' before he passed away, in his nineties as a proud grandfather having handled raw, processed plutonium and other radioactive materials everyday during the many decades he spent working in the industry. Satan is the great deceiver and you find his antics everywhere, and no more so than in modern 'medicine', which is a huge and murderous racket. In 2016, I was staying on a highland farm in a place called Tabio, which is close to the capital of Colombia, Bogota - I was planting lots of trees and Greg Caton, a famous healer invited me to his ranch in Cuenca, Ecuador so I went along to see him. Greg was falsely imprisoned for the awful 'crime' of truly curing cancers with inexpensive, herbal remedies - and especially his famous black salve, an escharotic, which he sold as 'Cansema.' And it's still available through one of his websites, but the one I wish to share with you is his meditopia[dot]org site, as it gives some great insights into how evil works. This is from Chapter 4, "Embarrassment of Riches": "How I Learned that Suppression is the Medical Profession's Most Enduring Legacy: A Quick Review of the Astonishing Number of Effective Cancer Cures; the Conflict This Poses to Our Common Narrative; and How it Contributes to Understanding the Defects in our Cultural Operating System."
    "[Oral tradition] is the method wherein the art of healing is preserved among the Americans [Indians] to this day. Their diseases, indeed, are exceedingly few; nor do they often occur, by reason of their continual exercise, and (till of late, universal) temperance. But if any are sick . . . the fathers immediately tell their children what remedy to apply. And it is rare that the patient suffers long; those medicines being quick, as well as generally infallible."
    John Wesley -- (1703-91)
    "One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit." Harry G.Frankfurt
    "I (Fiona Barnett) was trafficked to the USA, to Bohemian Grove where I was drugged & raped by the Rev BILLY GRAHAM - Richard Nixon's pal, in a pink bubble room. I was also made to dress up like a teddy bear and play hide, seek & rape. I also witnessed the ritual murder of a person by politicians dressed up in robes. I was taken via Sydney airport, in a crate like an animal. On the way home I was drugged, raped and beaten at an exclusive, after hours, pedo gathering at Disneyworld. Yes, Walt Disney was a pedo. Why do you think the Mickey Mousketeers go nuts and shave their heads? Why did pedo 'Whacko Jacko' build a Neverland based on Disneyland?"
    You can find this quote by Fiona Barnett on the whale[dot]to page about the 'Reverend' Billy Graham.
    So it's really not a surprise to me to find how, since 2023, Kip McKeans' church is facing lawsuits for sexual abuses with minors.
    From the founding of the Roman 'Christian' church some 2000 years ago, when powerful sponsors employed scribes to write 'their version' of the bible, its leaders have been sacrificing children to Satan; trafficking in drugs and people; warmongering and profiting from all such activities - they are still carrying on the same destructive and Satanic rites and today this means unquestioning support for Zionist Apartheid supremacy and the destruction of the last remaining shards of the Palestinian nation, inside the occupied territory of Palestine.
    And the decent Jews inside Israel and elsewhere are just as much a casualty of this insane conflict - in between 93 to 96 I worked all over Israel and there is much opposition to the evil madness of the genocide of the Palestinian nation.

  30. The ordinary Jew always suffers from the evil ways of their 'leaders', just as we do. During covid it was their 'leader' Nethanyahu, who condemned ‘his people’ to be abused as 'human guinea pigs' and the devastation of human life, which is the result of this has been captured by common Israelis in, "The testimonies project - the movie", which is on odysee[dot]com. "The Testimonies Project was created to provide a platform for all those who were affected after getting the covid-19 vaccines, and to make sure their voices are heard, since they are not heard in the Israeli media."
    Tragic times we live in and the people need guidance from true leadership.
